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E2 table bases
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Configure your E2 table.
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Design classic table E2 - also known as the Eiermann-table - here in the living room as a dining table for 6-8 people
E2 design classic table- also known as Eiermann-table, dining table for 6-8 people, family table, classic combination
Dining Table E2 - also known as the Eiermann-table, here as a dining table for 6 people, centre table frame in black in combination with a white table top with wooden edging
Designklassiker E2 - auch bekannt als Eiermanntisch, auch in Sondermaßen erhältlich
View of work table E2 - desk, office table, crosswise offset, maximum legroom
Design classic E2 - also known as Eiermann-table, work islands, table group individually usable
Design classic table E2 - also known as Eiermann-table, table variant as a work island on different levels

Two side frames and an X. Screwed onto it, a wooden board. The idea of the E2 is simple, leaving plenty of room for personal expression and creativity. From the office to the living room, from Karlsruhe throughout the world. A design classic, this table is made for working, living, learning – for life. As flexible as you need it to be. For life, if you like. Read about the idea and the history of the E2.
