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Front view of showroom, new company headquarters in Egon-Eiermann-Allee in Karlsruhe since 2017
New Adam Wieland GmbH premises, product presentation in the showroom, E2 designer tables - also known as Eiermann-tables

A New Address for the Iconic E2 Table

In 2009 an old street in Karlsruhe-Knielingen is given a new name. A small thing to most people, it is in fact a big deal to Adam Wieland. With the company definitely growing, it now has the perfect address: Egon-Eiermann-Allee 12.

Showroom, metal workshop, storage space, offices and living quarters as well as an underground car park are now housed on 2,200 sqm. The production is completely transparent: Visitors can follow the path from the steel pipe to the finished E2.

Eingangstür Showroom, Egon-Eiermann-Allee 12 in Karlsruhe, Firmensitz der Adam Wieland GmbH seit 2017
Kindertisch im Showroom Designklassiker E2 - auch bekannt als Eiermanntisch - mit eigener Herstellung in Karlsruhe

Stuhl S118, ergonomische Sitz- und Beinmulden, Ausführung Buche schwarz gebeizt, stapelbar, hier im Showroom in Karlsruhe

Geschichte aus und in Karlsruhe, Designklassiker E2 - auch bekannt als Eiermanntisch

The showroom presents the different E2 models and their accessories – from height adjuster to the stool. This is the birthplace of a dependable, hand-made companion, created from 168 possible combinations. And of its story, which it will readily recount.

Planning and consulting. Production and packaging. Loading and delivery. Operations at Egon-Eiermann-Allee 12 are run by a small team of true professionals. They ensure that every weld is solid; and that every E2 arrives exactly where it’s been eagerly expected.

Produktionsstätte Tischgestelle E2, 100% Made in Germany, E2-Gestelle auch in Sonderanfertigung

Werkstatt Egon-Eiermann-Allee, Produktionsstätte E2-Tischgestelle, Made in Germany

Produktionsstätte E2-Tischgestelle, E2 -Made in Germany, Handwerksqualität seit 1965

Ansicht Entstehung Tischgestell E2 - 100% Handwerkskunst aus Karlsruhe, Produktionsstätte EEA12

The metal workshop transforms a six metre steel pipe into a finished E2. In between are some 15 stages – from sawing and cutting to welding and drilling. Each specimen is unique, a product of the passion that Adam Wieland has lived for more than 50 years.

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