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It is our strict policy not to produce in low-wage countries. Our primary product, the steel pipes, is sourced from a local supplier who, in turn, procures it from manufacturers in Europe. European law assures us that risks such as child or forced labour or failure to comply with minimum wage regulations are not an issue. At the same time, our cooperation with local suppliers in aspects such as surface finishing keeps our transport to a minimum. Not only is this good for the environment, it also offers you several advantages: Our prices remain low, and we are flexible and open to handle special requests. And that for more than 50 years.
Metal is a strong base material. Crafting each piece by hand based on traditional techniques and professional expertise allows us to ensure quality products that are virtually indestructible. This gives you an E2 that promises to be a companion for life: functional, sturdy – and exceptionally resilient. Both inside and out – even when assembled and taken apart numerous times. In the five decades that we have produced and sold our iconic product, we have never had a single table returned to us because of wear from daily use or material fatigue. How many pieces of furniture can claim that?


Today’s E2 looks exactly the same as it did on day one. As a timeless classic, it refuses to follow fashion. It therefore blends with work and living space of yesterday, today, tomorrow – and any day after that. Long product cycles and a simple, minimalist design guarantee that in 20 years we will still have the right accessories for you. At the same time, the E2 stands out for its minimal use of materials. Metal, our base material, remains homogeneous even when treated with surface finish and can be fully recycled. (If that’s ever necessary at all.)


We may have changed into a limited liability company (GmbH) in 2008, but we are still a family run business. Our team remains small and based in Karlsruhe; and we will always be committed to Germany as our corporate site. This conscious decision in favour of traditional, regional ties is what we call an “intergenerational contract”. It is a contract we make with all our customers, employees and partners. Because we believe that business is done by people, for people. And that corporate action should focus on creating sustainable and lasting values. That’s why we strive to be responsible in our choice of production methods and sites, primary materials and packaging – always with the next generation in mind.


More than 30 years of students at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology have made the E2 the great icon it is today. Without them, it would never have achieved the status it now enjoys among architects and designers. A legacy we deeply appreciate – and are hugely proud of. To this day, we receive enquiries from customers who ordered a table frame from us 30 years ago. Former students come back to us as grandparents, buying our E2 for their grandchildren. For us, this kind of appreciation is more than the reward of our work in the past – it’s what inspires and motivates us each and every day. We put people at the heart of our business. And we look forward to serving you with the same quality, reliability and passion that once earned Adam Wieland the admiration and respect of his students.
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